My sister and Matt threw a fun-filled, sports-themed 3rd birthday party for Owen at their local park. All of the kids brought a riding toy and had a great time!
Owen blowing out his candles.
Check out those cupcakes and that cake! My sister and Matt made them. Talk about cute!
A warm embrace :)
High fives!
Brogan and Ellie
Baby Sophia
Sophia and Jack
Let us in!
The girls
Beth and Dad
Nate and Aunt Mere
Beth and Mom
Happy Birthday Owenski! It's hard to be believe you're already 3! We love you so much!
We celebrated Sophia's birthday on two days this year. The Saturday before her birthday, she invited all of her friends to our local park for some pizza, cake and play!
And then, on her actual birthday, daddy made tacos and mommy made brownies and we celebrated at home with grammy and grandpa.
It's hard to believe our "baby" girl is 4. Where does the time go? Sophia, mommy and daddy are so incredibly proud of you and feel so grateful and blessed every day to be your parents. You are such an amazing little girl and the sweetest big sister on the planet. You light up our lives! We love you sweet pea!