Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Highlights - 2008

A beautiful white Christmas!

Happy 65th birthday Grandpa! (Christmas Eve)

Santa visited Silverton :)

Sophia opening presents on Christmas morning.

Nate and Handy Manny (Daddy's favorites)!

Sophia's first Barbie!

Betty reading to Nate.

Grammy and the gang!

Sophia, Owen and Nate dancing at Grammy's house.

Owen: "Jump Naters, Jump!"

Tired, clean and cuddly

A very fortunate bunch with so much for which to be thankful.

Hanukkah Highlights - 2008

Daddy and Sophia making Hanukkah cookies!

She had so much fun decorating each and every one.

Not bad for our first try without Nana :-(.

Sophia enjoyed lighting the candles every night and got better and better each time. By night 8, she was doing it all by herself!

Nate loves his vacuum and mom and dad plan on putting him to work with the real thing as soon as possible. Thanks Uncle Joe, Aunt Elli, Mads and Jackson!

Skippyjon Jones...I always think of little Riley when I see this book. Thanks Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Emily, Theo and Riley!

Big girl and sweet baby brother :)

Our little princess...

She was so focused that evening.

Christmas Eve so Sophia had an audience. She was very excited and proud.

Our little reader and a book with a very appropriate title :)

Thanks Nana & Bapa!

Tonight, the last night of Hanukkah.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Our Home for the Holidays

Santa (from a distance)

The kids, okay Sophia, thought Santa was cool as long as he was at least 3 feet away. Nate, on the other hand, wasn't a fan. Silverton Santa, as always, was the best!


sad :(


angry (grrrr)

silly (ha ha ha!)

Winter Wonderland!

We are all enjoying the snow (despite our cold toes and noses) :). Sophia loves throwing snowballs and stomping on the "crunchy" snow with her rain boots. She's also a fan of eating the (often dirty) snow off her gloves (yay - mom is thrilled about that!) More snow expected this weekend. We hope to do some sledding tomorrow!

Snowball fight!

The view from our front yard

Dan, Nate & Sophia in our driveway

Lots of snow today (by Silverton standards)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

From the mouths of babes.....

Sophia: Where's Mommy?
Dan: She is out with Grammy and Aunt Mere.
Sophia: Why?
Dan: Mommy took Grammy and Aunt Mere to see a musical called Jesus Christ Superstar.
Sophia: Why?
Dan: Mommy took Mere because it is her birthday and she took Grammy for an early Christmas present.
Sophia: Oh.
Sophia: You know what that's called, Daddy?
Dan: What, honey?
Sophia: That's called "friendship".

Tuesday, November 25, 2008