It's only July 22nd and I'm already ready for fall. Ah, yeah, I'm totally kidding about that. We are having a fabulous summer so far! Since the beautiful weather does a number on my blogging motivation, I will recap the highlights in one LONG post...
Free Fish DayEvery year, Silverton hosts a Free Fish Day where you can fish to your heart's content at our local reservoir without first having to purchase a fishing license. I've been wanting to do it since we moved here and this year was the year! Despite Dan's warning that the kids were a little young (he was totally right by the way), we caught the little shuttle bus with the kids one overcast morning and headed up to the reservoir. Sophia learned how to bait a hook (thanks to Grandpa and daddy's expertise) and I chased Nate around the shore and docks. Sophia was pretty excited for the first half hour and then lost interest when she realized we probably weren't going to catch anything. We didn't, but others did. It was a fun little FREE experience nonetheless and I filled my exercise quotient for the day. Note to self: do not take an 18 month old fishing.

Grace's Birthday PartyGrace is one of Sophia's Bluebird Montessori preschool friends. She's such a sweet little girl and our girls play so well together. Grace celebrated her 4th birthday at Riverfront Park and Carousel in Salem. The kids had so much fun!

Camping at Silver FallsThis was probably one of our best camping trips to date! The weather was perfect. We took many bike rides, played at the playground, roasted marshmallows and hiked. We took one hike in particular that was so much fun and we were all impressed that Sophia completed the whole hike on her own! Hiking is definitely one of her favorite things to do. I didn't take many photos during the weekend, but here are a few.

Ballet CampSophia participated in a week-long ballet camp at the beginning of summer and she had a lot of fun. Not sure she learned a ton about ballet, but she was able to move around in her new ballet shoes and get the wiggles out. We're considering enrolling her in ballet this fall/winter so it was a nice chance for her to try it out.

SoccerNow she's onto soccer. She's playing on a team made up of 4 and 5-year-olds (she's the youngest) through the YMCA. She has games every Tuesday and Thursday. The jury is still out on soccer. She seemed to really enjoy it during the practice week, but has been hesitant since the games started. Still, it's fun to watch her and she seems to be enjoying herself overall.

4th of July We had an eventful 4th to say the least. I treated myself to my first pedicure since our wedding (5 years ago this year). My. Feet. Were. Gross. Dan took the kids to the park and then I met up with them and we walked over the creek to the library. I took Nate to storytime and Sophia checked out a stack of books with her very own library card. She was thrilled! After the kids napped at home, we headed to my mom's for a BBQ. After some yummy eats, we packed up and went to the Oregon Garden for the annual fireworks show. Did I mention we were having a heat wave that week? The fireworks were awesome and we made it home same and sound. To make a very long story short, early the next morning, Dan passed out on our bathroom floor. I was sure he was having a seizure or a heart attack. After trying unsuccessfully to get him to respond to me, I called 911. He was taken to the hospital via ambulance for a multitude of tests (blood, urine, EKG, xrays, etc.) The diagnosis: heat stroke. Thank God. So, the rest of the weekend was spent relaxing. I didn't take single photo, but you can see some at our friends' blog here:
Camping at Fisherman's BendThis is one of our favorite camp spots and it did not disappoint this year either! Although the weather wasn't great (a bit overcast and raining off and on), we had a terrific time! The kids are pros!

(Note: Dan's new "baby" is in the background of a few of these camping photos.)
It's hard to believe our BIG vacation hasn't even happened yet! We leave for Maui in two weeks and we are beside ourselves excited!