Daddy and Sophia making Hanukkah cookies!
She had so much fun decorating each and every one.
Not bad for our first try without Nana :-(.
Sophia enjoyed lighting the candles every night and got better and better each time. By night 8, she was doing it all by herself!
Nate loves his vacuum and mom and dad plan on putting him to work with the real thing as soon as possible. Thanks Uncle Joe, Aunt Elli, Mads and Jackson!
Skippyjon Jones...I always think of little Riley when I see this book. Thanks Uncle Jeremy, Aunt Emily, Theo and Riley!
Big girl and sweet baby brother :)
Our little princess...
She was so focused that evening.
Christmas Eve so Sophia had an audience. She was very excited and proud.
Our little reader and a book with a very appropriate title :)
Thanks Nana & Bapa!
Tonight, the last night of Hanukkah.
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