Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Our kiddos are growing up! In just one short week in Illinois, Nate cut a tooth, started crawling, pulling up, and cruising. Yikes! This kid doesn't mess around! Now the little daredevil is practicing his skills by using me to stand up and then promptly letting go. He ultimately falls within a few seconds, but he does it again and again, laughing the whole way through. It's just a matter of days now that we'll have another little toddler on our hands.

Sophia had a big week as well. She had her first dentist appointment (with the best dentist in the world -- Aunt Elli Emmons). I'm proud to say that my little girl is part of the "No Cavity Club"! She's very proud of herself as well. She'll be 3 next month and will start preschool on October 1st!

Still recovering from our wonderful vacation. Dan is in L.A. for work so maybe next week we'll get a little relaxation in. Life is good! (No pics available at the moment, but I'll post some new ones soon.)

Friday, August 1, 2008

What the????

Ok, so we have 2 things to report. The 1st thing is completely normal and expected. Nate is a butt hair away from pulling up to standing. I went in to change his diaper a couple nights ago and he was sitting up in his crib. Needless to say, I lowered the crib mattress yesterday...you know, so he won't climb over and fall on his cranium.

The 2nd thing I have to report is that our daughter, who is 34 months old, is cutting two front teeth!!!!
We thought she was missing them since they didn't come in with the others when she was much younger. Yesterday, Meg noticed them coming in! Sweet, huh? I had visions of my daughter wearing a bridge or some such thing. She has an appt to see her Dentist (my wonderful sister, Elli Emmons) next week. Hopefully all else is in good shape, too.

OK, we'll post more pics and some video of Nate pulling up soon.