A few new little tidbits to share.... Nate cut one of his top teeth this week and is working (very hard I might add) on cutting the other one as we speak. Although his sleep is usually interrupted some, he actually does quite well with the whole process. Such a trooper. He is also "talking" constantly, waves bye bye, gives kisses, and is trying very hard to run. He generally ends up falling once he gets up enough momentum, but is able to stand his ground during his nightly rounds of hide and go seek with Sophia. As you can imagine, he does most of the seeking :).
Dan & I met with Sophia's teacher this evening for our very first parent/teacher conference. We received an outstanding report about Sophia. Dan & I actually shed a few tears of pride afterwards. In a nutshell, she's independent, orderly, a leader and a helper. She has excellent verbal skills and is driven by her desire to learn/try new things. She has lots of friends and is polite with her teachers as well as with the other kids (really?). She seems to be thriving in the Montessori environment and Dan & I are very happy and satisfied with the results. Sophia LOVES school and even begs us to let her go on Saturdays and Sundays :).
Dan & I will be celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary tomorrow! Geesh! 4 years and 2 kids. We don't waste any time do we? Amazing that I can feel more in love today than I did on the day we were married. Life is good and I have him and my little ones to thank for that.
Happy Anniversary!! I told you Sophia is amazing! It's always the awesome parents that worry, you guys are so funny!
I love this picture of the two of you...how do I go about getting a copy?
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