We have already managed to start cleaning up the backyard a bit although the deck especially could still use a nice power-washing. We also rearranged some things back there in order to accommodate these...
Dan built these along with his little helper (Gracie girl) last weekend. They were very proud of their work (as well they should be). We have never had a vegetable garden before so here's hoping we can make at least a few things grow! We're not known for being the family with the greenest thumbs! Ha! :)
Here are some of the things we want to plant...
Sophia is very excited. Actually, we all are! We'll keep you updated with photos as things progress!
Sophia and my dad also planted these last weekend...
Aren't they beautiful? They make me happy :).
We have all struggled with nasty colds over the last week. Sophia and I seem to be over the worst of it (although, as I write this, I'm feeling pretty nasty) and Nate is on the mend too (poor guy got an eye infection on top of the cold). Dan, on the other hand, is in the thick of it and feeling pretty crummy. He went to the doctor today and got antibiotics for a sinus infection and an eye infection. Yikes! So, a decent part of the last week has looked like this around our house...
Can't wait til the nice weather is here to stay so we can get out and about every day and air the house out!
I'll leave you with some photos of the munchkins. Nate turned 16 months this past Sunday the 22nd and Sophia will be 3 1/2 years old this upcoming Sunday the 29th.
Amazing how fast they grow. Just amazing...
Sophia building a Play-Doh tower...
Big boy with his Dora cup :)
Nate's avocado moisturizing mask...
The many silly faces of Sophia...
Happy Spring everyone!
Megan you are so good at posting!! I don't know how you do it...you must never sleep. Gosh I feel like every time you post new pictures the kids have grown so much!! Miss you guys.
Ha ha! Thanks! I go in spurts with the posting. Miss you guys too!!! :)
Poor Dan... hope he feels better this weekend. TGIF!!!
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