1. you are an animal lover to the core. 2. you have a little temper and you throw some serious tantrums. 3. you love being outside and you love to get messy (water and dirt are your favorites). 4. you give the sweetest hugs and wettest open-mouthed kisses. 5. you hate having your teeth brushed. 6. you have a thing for dinosaurs. 7. you don't say too many words yet, but you always get your point across. you do say 'wow', 'dada', 'uh oh' and tonight you said 'book'! 8. you're a voracious eater and you take huge bites. 9. you are very attached to little blue blankie and your binky. 10. you are even more attached to your grammy. 11. you can spot an airplane or bird in the sky like nobody's business. 12. you play with your cars and trucks every day and you love to make 'vroom' and 'weeeee' sounds. 13. you wave to the garbage man every wednesday morning. 14. your favorite foods are noodles with red sauce and pizza. 15. you are incredibly ticklish and you have the cutest laugh. 16. you think it's hilarious when we let you run around naked. 17. you love to play hide and seek. 18. you must read books right before bed. 18.you have been coming to bed with mom and dad every morning at around 5am. we secretly (or not so secretly) love it because you've always been such an independent sleeper. 19. you are very physical (always trying to be one of the big kids), but you are cautious as well. 20. you love ice cream. 21. you think it's fun to chase max the cat. 22. you adore your big sister and you get a kick out of tickling her belly button. 22. you love your baths. 23. you are so expressive. your eyes say it all. 24. you are the sweetest little boy. 25. mom and dad love you so very much.
Nate is such a sweetie! I love how creative you are...#26 Luke your neighbor likes to hit you...sorry!
Such a verbal photograph of that darling little boy -- thanks!
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