Friday, April 3, 2009

Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival - Take 1

So, we ventured out to the Wooden Shoe Tulip Festival in Woodburn last weekend with my parents. We knew the tulips were not quite in bloom, but thought it would be fun anyway. And, between bouts of hail and rain, it was!

Nate and Sophia racing ducks. (Nate really spent his time grabbing the ducks out of the water and running away with them).

It was at this festival 2 years ago that Sophia had her first pony ride. She LOVES horses and just glows when she rides them.

Sophia the daredevil!

Grammy and Nate

We plan to return later this month for some warmer/dryer weather and lots and lots of color!

1 comment:

Wiken's said...

I love the pictures of Sophia jumping. Too fun! We have to go this year, we've never been.