Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Preg Meg update

Hi there. Just an update for you all:

We went into the hospital on Monday night. Megan was having very bad pain in her abdomen that was not related to contractions and she had not felt the baby move in several hours - she had also thrown up a few times. They put her on a monitor and the baby was/is fine. Heartbeat was great, etc. Once Megan got comfortable on the bed, she starting contracting. She was dilated 1 CM. They had us walk around the hospital for an hour. During that time Megan got sick and threw up :-(. When we got back, she was 2 CM. We were thinking this was the day. They put her on an I.V. to rule out dehydration as the cause of the contractions. Seems she may have been dehydrated from throwing up throughout the day. Her contractions spaced out and dilation stopped. They sent us home. Since then, Meg has been feeling horrible. She has all the signs of being in early labor, but who knows? I'll keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

Blerg. Poor Meeeeegan.


dke4art said...

We hope it all goes smoothly for poor Megan and Nathaniel! Love, Deb, Bill, etc.