Thursday, November 8, 2007

We already have a Volkswagen!

Sorry, I should have made this update in my previous post. Megan visited the DR. yesterday and here is what we know...

She is not effaced at all and has not dilated at all. So, it looks like we are still waiting. The good news is that Meg can relax a little longer and Nate can do some more growing, too. Oh yeah, Meg's doctor told her that Nate's head is big. I can't help smiling whenever I think about that. Here's how it went during that visit to the doctor:

Doctor: "The baby is developing normally - all's good"
Meg's response: "Great!"

Doctor: "The baby is about 5lbs, 8oz. If you go full term, he'll be average weight"
Meg's response: "Great!"

Doctor: "The baby has a head the size of a Volkswagen Beetle"
Meg's response: ****explicit***

Heh. Ok, that's it for now. I'll post some halloween pics soon so you can all see the awesome rooster costume that Nana Kaplan made for Sophia. She was a great rooster.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dan, great idea for this blog. Good luck keeping up with it after baby Nate comes along! Ha ha. Oh, those sleepless nights . . . I remember them well.
Grammy Donna

Anonymous said...

YIKES! I hope the doc was exaggerating. I think making a comment like that to an almost 9-month pregnant woman is risking your life!
